• DMR SmartXPT

    Powerful DMR dispatching application



Professionally manage DMR conventional or XPT radio networks

Developed in accordance with the digital ETSI radio standard DMR, the Hytera SmartXPT application is designed as an efficient communication and support tool to manage and direct of all your DMR conventional Tier II and XPT radio subscribers. With its client-server architecture, its modular design and its Voice-over-IP support (VoIP), Hytera SmartXPT offers you the latest dispatching features in one software solution. If you're looking to upgrade to the latest dispatching solution, speak with a Hytera Partner today and maximise your communication potential.

Flexible system deployment

The Hytera SmartXPT application is not a single module, but a group of components that can be built up to a system, based on subscriber size, topology and coverage requirements. It can be configured as a small single-site system, up to a large multi-site, cross-country network system. All configurations can easily be managed through a remote configuration tool.

Smart Xpt Map

DMR Smart XPT Benefits

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